whatcoloris command

The whatcoloris command can be run from the command-line, and provides quick use of the WhatColorIsX.whatcolorisx.color() method.


$ whatcoloris -h
usage: whatcoloris [-h] [-b] [-m {average_color,common_color}]
                   [--images_to_try IMAGES_TO_TRY]

Returns colour of string based on Google image search.

positional arguments:
  x                     string/file to find colour of

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -b, --bright_hue      return a bright colour; hsl=(x,1.0,0.5)
  -m {average_color,common_color}, --method {average_color,common_color}
                        Helper method to use for colour picking. Defaults to
  --images_to_try IMAGES_TO_TRY
                        number of images to try processing before erroring